More reasons to love coffee

It's official - coffee can be good for you!
It’s official – coffee can be good for you!

Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, you’d expect us to be big fans of coffee. Until recently, though there was a bit of a perception that coffee was incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and was on many people’s list of ‘thing to give up for Lent’.

A number of recent scientific research studies, though, reveals that current thinking is in favour of drinking coffee to support a healthy lifestyle. Some of the studies showed links between coffee and a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, some kinds of cancer and overall, a lessened risk of premature death.

While this is great news for coffee lovers, it’s obviously not a free pass to drink 30 cups of coffee a day – experts recommend two to four cups to reap the health benefits.


Among other positive coffee news, recent studies reveal that coffee drinkers live longer. A study involving almost 1 million people linked those who regularly drank two to four cups of coffee a day to a 14 per cent lower risk of dying prematurely from any cause whatsoever. Drinking one or two cups a day had a proportionately beneficial effect, with an 8 per cent lower risk. Caffeine didn’t seem to be a factor in the study, with regular decaff drinkers enjoying the same lowered risk.

Coffee also has a positive effect on your risk of developing certain kinds of cancer, including liver cancer and prostate cancer. Coffee contains naturally occurring compounds which have anti-inflammatory properties which can be useful in protecting the body from toxins and carcinogenics.



Drinking coffee can also help to protect you against the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, with those who drink more than three cups a day enjoying a 21 per cent lower risk. Again, the type of coffee (caffeinated or decaffeinated) didn’t seem to affect the results. Chlorogenic acid which occurs naturally in coffee can improve your body’s ability to metabolise glucose as well as have an anti-inflammatory effect.



If we’re inspired you to go on loving coffee, take a look at our range of wholesale, top quality coffee beans and accessories available to buy online.

Breaking news: black coffee could help keep your teeth clean

smileIf you’re a true coffee aficionado and take your coffee as seriously as we do, chances are you like your favourite drink black, strong and sugarless, and in addition to tasting great new research has shown that drinking your coffee like this could actually be helping to clean your teeth.

Research by Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University and reported by the Telegraph newspaper on the 11th June 2014 has found that coffee with high caffeine content, such as espresso blends or blends high in robusta coffee beans, can destroy bacteria which cause dental plaque. According to the study, the process only works if you drink your coffee black and unsweetened as milk and sugar will be counterproductive and destroy the helpful effects.

Andrea Antonio, lead researcher at the university, said: “Dental plaque is a classic complex biofilm and it’s the main culprit in tooth decay and gum disease. We are always looking for natural compounds – food and drink, even – that can have a positive impact on dental health.”

The robusta coffee beans contain polyphenols, a chemical which destroys bacteria on teeth using the process of lysis, which disintegrates the structure of the bacteria cells.

Scientists now hope to isolate and extract the polyphenols and add them to new oral hygiene products such as toothpaste and mouthwash to make them more efficient. This would mean that children and non-coffee drinkers would be able to benefit as well.

Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we’re delighted that our favourite drink is being proved useful as well as delicious. We sell a wide range of coffee beans, instant coffee, powdered milk, hot chocolate and other accessories such as cups and stirrers, all at great wholesale prices, for your business, office or cafe. To find out more, please visit our website at

The Health Benefits of Coffee

The Health Benefits of Coffee

All coffee lovers know that a good cup of coffee made from freshly-ground coffee
beans can help wake you up in the morning, lift your spirits throughout the day and
generally improve your concentration, but studies have also shown that drinking
coffee in moderation could be beneficial for your health.

Studies collated by Harvard Medical School show that the drink could have varied
health benefits, including:

A reduced likelihood of certain types of cancer. In a 2005 study, results showed
that people who drank coffee regularly were 50% less likely to suffer from liver
cancer than non-coffee-drinkers. Other studies have also shown lower rates of colon,
breast, and rectal cancers in coffee drinkers.

A reduced risk of diabetes. Men who drink six cups of coffee a day are half as
likely to get type 2 diabetes as non-coffee-drinkers, and for women, there’s a 30%
reduction in risk. The science behind this is not yet clearly understood, but it could be
that coffee contains certain compounds that help the body metabolise sugar.

A reduced risk of gallstones and kidney stones. According to the BBC, studies
have shown that coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from kidney stones and

Reduced chances of Parkinson’s disease. Most recent studies indicate that
drinking coffee regularly can help to protect men against Parkinson’s disease. The
results are less apparent in women, possibly as the female hormone oestrogen
inhibits the breakdown of caffeine. Researchers estimate that men who regularly
drink two or three cups of caffeinated coffee a day are two to three times less likely
to develop the disease. Men who are heavy coffee drinkers, drinking more than six
cups a day, are five times less likely to develop the disease, although experts warn
that drinking this much coffee could have other health implications.

Next time you’re drinking your daily coffee, remember that not only does it taste
delicious, in moderation it could be helping your health as well – so there’s even more
reason to enjoy it.