Healthy Coffee

It’s Friday and if you’re anything like me you think this is the perfect excuse to indulge in some treat or other. Of course you don’t want to turn into a complete pig though, so you may decide to health-ify your indulgence. Today I was craving some delicious coffee drink (read: whipped cream, caramel sauce, and coffee), so I decided to see what’s out there in the way of healthy, but still delicious, coffee drinks. I found some interesting tips. Like blending coconut oil and butter into your coffee to speed up metabolism and get the best tasting and smoothest coffee. Ever.

Of course I had to try this. It is very indulgent actually because the fats make the coffee incredibly creamy. I made it into a latte, using rice milk, as I don’t like my coffee black. It worked. I also added a tiny amount of raw cane sugar and used only one drop of stevia as it does have a bit of a “plastic” taste. I would use raw honey instead of sugar had I not been out of it.

It says 1-3 tablespoons of coconut oil, but I really recommend starting off with only one as it does make the coffee very, very creamy and it might be too much with any more. You might even want to start off with just 1/2 a tablespoon.

Of course get fresh roasted coffee beans for this – always use the best quality coffee beans. You can even roast your own! (We have green coffee beans for sale in our coffee shop for that reason.)

Recipe from Wellness Mama
Serves: 1
  • 1 cup of organic coffee, herbal coffee or chai tea
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (or more, I usually put in 2-3 tablespoons)
  • 1 teaspoon organic grassfed unsalted butter (I get it here)
  • ¼ tsp vanilla
  • a few drops of stevia extract (optional)
  1. Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix on high speed for 20 seconds until frothy. Drink immediately and enjoy all the energy!

A way to supercharge coffee and make it healthy and great for your skin The Only Way I Drink Coffee...

How to Make Your Coffee Healthier

So you have a naughty habit of drinking coffee every day…how can you make it healthier? Well, for starters it isn’t all that naughty. Coffee appears to fight off a number of different diseases when you drink around three cups per day and coffee is filled with antioxidants and can even help relieve the pain of headaches and increase the efficiency of painkillers. However you can also get jittery and anxious if you drink too much.

Maybe coffee isn’t all that naughty, but then there’s the milk and the sugar… Well, everyone appears confused in the milk versus soy debate (the only agreement being that organic is better in both instances), but almond milk and oat milk appear safe enough. You can also substitute sugar for some stevia, which in small amounts are safe erythritol is another sweetener that may work. Honey and maple syrup can also be used.

Now, to topple it all off you can also add some spice to your coffee and by doing so the amount of antioxidants in your drink will immediately spike (don’t believe us? Watch this two minute video clip and get amazed!). There’s chai tea lattes already, so why not spice up your coffee with some cinnamon, or cacao sprinkled on top? You can also blend ginger, cloves, cinnamon, a tiny bit of nutmeg and allspice and sprinkle over for that gingerbread effect. Cassia cinnamon will also help lower blood sugar levels (making that natural sweetener even more healthy), but be careful with cassia cinnamon as it should be eaten in moderation whereas you can eat more Ceylon cinnamon for the sake of antioxidants, but it will probably not lower blood sugars (read more here).

With this information in mind, next time someone says your coffee isn’t healthy, just show them the amount of spices you sprinkled on top and if you’ve done your research well – amaze them with telling them the exact amount of antioxidants you are getting from that one cup!

The Health Benefits of Coffee

The Health Benefits of Coffee

All coffee lovers know that a good cup of coffee made from freshly-ground coffee
beans can help wake you up in the morning, lift your spirits throughout the day and
generally improve your concentration, but studies have also shown that drinking
coffee in moderation could be beneficial for your health.

Studies collated by Harvard Medical School show that the drink could have varied
health benefits, including:

A reduced likelihood of certain types of cancer. In a 2005 study, results showed
that people who drank coffee regularly were 50% less likely to suffer from liver
cancer than non-coffee-drinkers. Other studies have also shown lower rates of colon,
breast, and rectal cancers in coffee drinkers.

A reduced risk of diabetes. Men who drink six cups of coffee a day are half as
likely to get type 2 diabetes as non-coffee-drinkers, and for women, there’s a 30%
reduction in risk. The science behind this is not yet clearly understood, but it could be
that coffee contains certain compounds that help the body metabolise sugar.

A reduced risk of gallstones and kidney stones. According to the BBC, studies
have shown that coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from kidney stones and

Reduced chances of Parkinson’s disease. Most recent studies indicate that
drinking coffee regularly can help to protect men against Parkinson’s disease. The
results are less apparent in women, possibly as the female hormone oestrogen
inhibits the breakdown of caffeine. Researchers estimate that men who regularly
drink two or three cups of caffeinated coffee a day are two to three times less likely
to develop the disease. Men who are heavy coffee drinkers, drinking more than six
cups a day, are five times less likely to develop the disease, although experts warn
that drinking this much coffee could have other health implications.

Next time you’re drinking your daily coffee, remember that not only does it taste
delicious, in moderation it could be helping your health as well – so there’s even more
reason to enjoy it.