How to remove coffee stains from a wooden coffee table

coffee-ringHere at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we love our coffee. Even we’re prepared to admit, though, that our favourite drink might have the odd downside, such as the tendency to stain certain surfaces. Here’s how to remove coffee stains from your favourite wooden coffee table.

First of all, most stains on coffee tables are from heat damage rather than from coffee. Protect the surface of your table from ‘cup rings’ by using a coaster or mat, which will also help prevent coffee drips reaching the table surface.

If the table’s been knocked and the coffee split though, take evasive action as soon as possible. Dry up the spill with an old towel, and wipe the surface of the table with a warm damp cloth with a tiny blob of washing up liquid. Rinse with clean water, and leave to dry. When dry, apply a layer or wax or polish. If you’re quick enough, this may be all you need to do.

If the coffee has soaked into the table unnoticed, though, you may have to do some DIY. If the table is antique or valuable, contact a professional wood restorer. Otherwise, wipe the table top clean and dry and lightly sand the whole table surface with a fine grain sandpaper. Wipe again to remove any dust, and apply a layer of wax or polish. Leave to dry, then apply further layers as necessary until the colour is restored.

If the table is badly damaged, it could be time to customise it. Try painting, staining or varnishing the whole table, applying a decoupage design or adding mosaic tiles to create a unique result.

When your table’s ready, don’t forget we’ve got a wide range of coffee beans available on our coffee beans page, all at great wholesale prices, and we supply coffee accessories and ingredients too.