Coffee Art

Coffee is one of the world’s most popular drinks so not surprisingly it has inspired artists to create some stunning and/or interesting artwork. And we feel sure the day Damien Hirst decides to make coffee into art (like perhaps framing a few beans dotted about in the shape of coffee molecules…) we will see an unprecedented rise in the price of coffee beans. We are still waiting.

Coffee art is an interesting topic for anyone who owns a coffee shop, loves coffee, or sells coffee in any way, shape, or form, as it can compliment your existing stock, or add some colour to the walls of your coffee shop, or home.

We found coffee jewellery from Shay Aaron, an Israeli artist based out of Tel Aviv, below you can see coffee bean earrings and coffee cup cufflinks. He has many more though, if you visit his site:

Coffee bean cuff links Black Coffee Cuff links

Of course you can also turn your latte into art – perfect way to impress your guests. In fact a café can probably make quite a name just for the sake of the art that goes into the cup! The world’s Latte Art Championship will take place in Nice, 26-28th of June 2013.

Bear Latte Art

You can actually make art using your beans as well. The below painting, painted by Karen Eland was made using only coffee and water!

Coffee Ballet

There have also been sculptures made around coffee and one is the Yuanyang II by Tsang Cheung Shing from Hong Kong. It was made for a pottery exhibition of YingYeung, which is a drink made of coffee and tea combined. The artwork then went to the Hong Kong Museum of Art.

The Coffee Kiss

Another sculpture focused around coffee is Coffee Man by Ruth Jensen. Coffee is such a world-wide phenomena that probably anyone from a big city can recognise themselves, or fellow city dwellers in the man’s pose. Who does not stop to have a coffee ever so often, or run past someone else who is?

The Coffee Wire Sculpture

Arkadi Kim has made the world’s largest coffee bean mosaic. It measures 30 square meters and weighs 180 kilos! It took two weeks to piece together with the help of his team. They had to roast the beans themselves to get the different colour nuances. The mosaic is called The Awakening and portrays a girl smelling the aroma of coffee. We figure that maybe the artist needed quite a lot of coffee to stay awake whilst making this piece!

Bean ArtBean Art