Healthy coffee vegan milkshake recipe

The addition of chia seeds to your morning coffee makes a healthy drink.
The addition of chia seeds to your morning coffee makes a healthy drink.

If you’re still on a post-Christmas health kick, may we recommend this superfood coffee smoothie? It’s designed to be drunk cold, so you can make it a few hours before drinking. It makes a perfect breakfast drink, the ideal accompaniment to a stressful commute.

Almond milk is rich in vitamin E, an important vitamin essential to the correct function of many organs in the body. It’s also an antioxidant, meaning it helps to reduce cell damage. It can also boost energy and improve physical endurance – both useful benefits if you’re travelling to work!
Another ingredient in this super-smoothie is chia seeds. If you haven’t yet come across these tiny black seeds hailed as one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, you may be surprised at the idea of adding them to coffee! Chia seeds come Salvia Hispanica, which comes from the same family as mint. They’ve been known as a food source for thousands of years, and were much prized by the Aztecs and Mayans for their energising properties. The name ‘chia’ comes from the ancient Mayan word for ‘strength’.

Chia seeds are packed with omega 3, which has multiple health benefits including the reduction of stiffness and joint pain, and they’re also a powerful antioxidant. If you don’t like the idea of seeds in your coffee, don’t worry – the seeds will swell up when soaked, and once blended, you’ll end up with a textured smoothie with a slightly nutty taste.#

To serve one, you’ll need:

  • 175 ml almond milk (you could also use soy if you prefer)
  • 30ml cold, fresh espresso coffee (use decaffeinated if you’re really on a health kick!)
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds

Put the chic seeds in the blender with 6 tablespoons of cold water. Leave to stand for five minutes, until the soaked seeds become gelatinous. Then, add the remaining ingredients and pulse in the blender until smooth. Add a little ice, and either drink immediately or transfer to an insulated mug for transporting.

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