Give your skin a caffeine lift

coffee-beauty-recipes-homeWe all know how invigorating that first cup of coffee is in the morning, the caffeine giving you an instant energy lift and making you feel you’re fit to face the day. Did you know, though, that caffeine can have the same effect on your skin and body, as well? Here are a few ways to incorporate caffeine into your beauty routine.

Stress buster

If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, the first place it will be visible is your eyes. Tired, puffy skin and bags under your eyes is never a good look. Save some coffee grounds, and chill them in the fridge. Wrap two teaspoons of coffee grounds in two small piece of muslin cloth, and lie back with one under each eye. Relax for twenty minutes while the caffeine does its work.

Smooth skin

To tighten and exfoliate, mix a handful of coarse seasalt with a tablespoon of olive oil and a handful of ground coffee and use as a body scrub.

Healthy hair

You can even use coffee on your hair – it will enhance the tones and highlights in brunette hair. Mix a couple of teaspoons of ground coffee into a squeeze of conditioner. Wash your hair, apply the conditioner and let it sit for at lease five minutes before rinsing out.

Face mask

For the perfect morning pick-me-up, mix two tablespoons of plain yoghurt with half a teaspoon of clear honey and one tablespoon of ground coffee and apply to your face. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.The caffeine will stimulate circulation, giving you a healthy glow.

Tired feet

We all know that drinking coffee too late in the evening can affect sleep patterns, but caffeine in a foot soak will only help you relax. Mix a handful of ground coffee, a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of lavender oil into a thick paste. Apply to your feet in a circular motion, then sit with your feet in a bowl of warm water for 10 minutes before rinsing and drying.



Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, you can find a wide range of ground coffee, coffee beans, coffee accessories and coffee supplies online, all at competitive wholesale prices. To find out more, visit