The comfort of an Irish coffee

I don’t often drink Irish coffee – I love it, but it’s definitely a drink that’s perfect after a particularly good meal or special occasions  It doesn’t even have to be an Irish coffee – a good quality filter coffee served with a liqueur is just as good.

Over the weekend after a delicious meal at Hitchcock’s Restaurant in Hull my friend bought us all filter coffees with amaretto – a traditional Italian after dinner drink. There’s something both refreshing and warming about coffee and a good liqueur.

One of my most memorable Irish coffee moments was in Finland. The weather was minus 20 degrees and the ground was covered in thick, knee high snow.

It’s traditional in Finland to have outdoor fires – there are designated places all over the country with wood stacked to use and burn; so, you can just light a fire and have an outdoor picnic/ BBQ in freezing temperatures by a lake. It might not sound appealing, but having a fire in the snow with sausages cooked on an open fire and cups of Irish coffee is incredibly comforting.

The beauty of a good coffee with liqueur is that not only do they taste delicious when you make them with good quality coffee beans, but you can drink them at any time during the year. Just add ice in the summer and cinnamon in the winter.

Coffee beans and liqueur


And if you don’t drink, fear not – you can always add some flavoured syrups to your coffee. Wholesale coffee Company have flavours in Amaretto, Irish cream, chocolate and many more.
