Drink your greens: add new broccoli powder to coffee

Image: Morguefile

It’s really hard to imagine two odder partners than broccoli and coffee. And while we appreciate how good for you broccoli is, it’s harder still to think of incorporating it into a snack break. Don’t panic, though – you’re not going to be asked to swap teaspoons for brassica spears for dipping into your Americano. Australian researchers have come up with a much easier way of helping to get to your five a day.

Scientists have developed a method of reducing the vegetable to a powder form, which can be stirred into almost any drink or added to cooked dishes. Even better, they’re using up the non-uniform broccoli that would otherwise have been discarded by wholesalers and thrown away. Two tablespoons of the powder, made from ground broccoli, has around the same nutritional benefits as one serving of the fresh vegetable. It’s easy to store and has a long shelf life compared to fresh broccoli, which makes it practical. The brassica is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat, containing vitamins A, K and C as well as folic acid, fibre, calcium and antioxidants.  

A survey carried out by the World Cancer Research Fund revealed that only one in five Britons are eating their five portions of fruit and veg a day, so this simple powder could help those finding it difficult.

One Australian cafe has already tried adding the powder to coffee to create the ‘broccoli latte’, which has a greenish tinge to the foam. We’re not sure what it would do to the taste, either. Perhaps we’ll stick to drinking our coffee naturally and eating our broccoli in vegetable form – there are some things that are just better apart.

For all your commercial coffee needs, take a look at our main website at www.wholesalecoffeecompany.co.uk. We’ve got coffee beans, coffee accessories and coffee supplies, all available online at great wholesale prices.
